The Herald reports that over the weekend, Lebron was categorically denied entrance to hot spot nightclub Mansion.
LeBron James refused entrance at Mansion for wearing shorts, forcing him to rush off to find long pants.
Interesting, to say the least. A club that often gains notoriety from paparazzi snapping pictures of starlets entering and exiting the establishment in the skimpiest of outfits requires large, Negro basketball players to wear the equivalent of winter clothing in the midst of the unforgiving humidity of July in south Florida?
The whole situation is foul, and we decided to prove a double standard exists.
We had our research assistant run a google image search using the key words, "mansion nightclub shorts".
This image appeared in the results.
Nothing more needs said.
that's a self portrait, isn't it?
i don't understand the picture. because mansion nightclub looks like this:
"i don't understand the picture'
excellent, excellent...
Do you know who was in charge that night promoting the event?...didnt think so...again you are a fool.
those are the coolest socks I have ever seen in my career.
...and it wasn't because of the shorts...he had a Pacman Jones jersey on.
"Do you know who was in charge that night promoting the event?..."
Sir, all events held at the venue are at the discretion of the ownership.
Don't you know anything?
"again you are a fool."
oh awesome, the king of uninformed racist commentary is back.
"look at me, look at me...i'm shit head"
Do you really believe that any hot Miami nightclub would turn away a celebrity of James' status because he is black? These places thrive on celebrity name-dropping. Could it be at all possible that there are different dress codes depending on the sponsored event? Immediately claiming some kind of racial bias is not only irresponsible, but makes you seem ignorant.
PS I ran the same search and found the same picture. If your assistant bothered to do ANY research of the image, he/she would have discovered that the picture is from a men's style blog and the caption states: "This cat checking out the NADA show looked cool in long shorts and two different argyle socks." It has nothing to do with the Mansion Night Club.
"but makes you seem ignorant."
Sir, indeed.
At times, ignorance is all in the perception.
How do you think you are being perceived....right now?
It isn't as bad to seem ignorant, as it is to be ignorant.
Ya feel us, bay bay?
"It has nothing to do with the Mansion Night Club."
Sir, your desire to support these establishments in their clear mission to segregate themselves from young, Negro athletes is downright ridiculous.
You yourself ran the very search we did. And google returned the same image.
'mansion nightclub shorts' = proof of divergent standards.
And we don't appreciate you trying to lay waste to our humble staff.
Please, enlighten me oh wisest of all. How am I being ignorant? I can provide the link to the page that the image was pulled from if you'd like
I don't support night clubs, in fact, I despise them. The picture is being used entirely out of context and provides no proof of any double standard
"How am I being ignorant? "
Sir, exactly.
"The picture is being used entirely out of context "
Sir, the picture is being used precisely in the context we are using it.
How can you argue this?
The picture is not of anyone attending the Mansion Night Club, so I ask you why you posted it, what does it prove?
"so I ask you why you posted it, what does it prove? "
Sir, did you or did you not run a google search of 'mansion nightclub shorts'?
Did you or did you not receive the offered image in the results?
What more proof do you need?
"If your assistant bothered to do ANY research of the image"
oh lawdy. rasheed michael evans is NOT going to be happy.
"claiming some kind of racial bias is not only irresponsible, but makes you seem ignorant."
the reason that image appears in the search results is because the article mentions a particular mansion, not the Mansion Nightclub. I'm surprised that you didn't check your facts before posting it. It's apparent that you enjoy listening to yourself talk, or type, as it were, more than engaging in any meaningful discussion. Additionally, you are quite adept at ignoring questions and dodging any attempts to rightfully question your righteous indignation, perhaps you should get into politics.
Mr. Hood, please re-read the comment, "Immediately claiming..."
"Immediately claiming some kind of racial bias is not only irresponsible, but makes you seem ignorant. "
Dadbgum if that don't change everything.
"I'm surprised that you didn't check your facts before posting it. "
Sir, our facts are 100% in order.
We said that we ran a google search of 'mansion nightclub' shorts and that that photo was returned to us.
Those are the facts.
Prove them wrong.
And, if you can't, apologize and plead ignorance.
Fair enough. And I suppose it's possible that the posting of the picture is simply an attempt to point out how ridiculous that guy looks and I misinterpreted the tone of the post and the blog in general. But if your intent was to use that picture to prove that men in shorts DO, in fact, get into the Mansion Nightclub (which it cannot do), then perhaps you should apologize to the owner of the photograph for using it and not crediting him.
"then perhaps you should apologize to the owner of the photograph for using it and not crediting him. "
awww...look at the bitter little fool. NOIS makes him look like a jackass and he whines...LOL
APOLOGIZE to NOIS for being ignorant. Attempting to try to make NOIS look bad with your "crediting" remark falls short of doing anything but making yourself look like a bitch. You didn't understand the post. How are you gonna try tell NOIS that he should apologize for using the pic, when you can't even figure out what he used it for?
buzz off, shit for brains. NOIS has made you look like a dipshit from the first turd you dropped in the comments.
"Fair enough."
Sir, your attempts to mitigate your ignorance and inability to prove our fact finding wrong by deflecting attention to the picture are sorry at best, and shiteous at worst.
You were instructed to either prove the fact wrong, or to apologize.
Apologize to our research assistant, or slink away with your ignorant tail thoroughly tucked away under your spanked backside.
yea, fuckers, wake up!!
The journalistic integrity of this website is astoundingly bad. Although I suppose integrity is meaningless to those who won't admit the simplest of errors and will not tolerate any kind of criticism. When you only answer to yourself, you don't ever have to be wrong, do you?
"When you only answer to yourself, you don't ever have to be wrong, do you? "
Sir, you SAID we were wrong.
That means nothing.
You haven't proven it.
We gave you the facts.
YOU are the one avoiding the questions. You are the one that made the accusation that our researcher did poor fact finding.
The post is there to see.
YOU have not proven your contention.
Either prove it, or admit you were ignorant in your assertation.
Stop avoiding the issues. It's YOUR issue. YOU stepped to us.
"won't admit the simplest of errors "
what error did nois make?
the post says what it says. not a thing is factually false.
how bout you admit you interpreted it wrong. how bout that?
sayin' nois won't accept criticism, yet you can't admit that you are wrong.
how sad.
The obvious insight of your writing staff is enough to make my brethren at the Nation of Gods and Earths reconcile with our NOI brothers, acceptance of Supreme Mathematics or no.
"acceptance of Supreme Mathematics or no."
Sir, of your affliations, it is the one with KU that trouble us most....
May I remind you that the University of Kansas was a pioneer in the acceptance of the Negro Athlete. In fact, coach Dick Harp refused to settle for segregated rooms for his Negro Athletes during the 1957 Final Four and the team ended up staying in Grand Prairie, TX, over an hour away.
The University of Kansas is truly a friend of the Nation.
"The University of Kansas is truly a friend of the Nation. "
Sir, the concern we have...the alma mater of the Nation stole your coach and he won us a banner.
We fear resentment.
Sir, your desire to support these establishments in their clear mission to segregate themselves from young, Negro athletes is downright ridiculous
Please...these places get so much press by letting young negro athletes fight in and shoot up their places that they would never turn them away.
Sir, I did a google search for 'mansion nightclub shorts' and ended up with a picture of Suge Knight.
Perhaps brother Scrumpdillyicious is right. Were NOISb to maintain rigorous fact-checking procedures to compensate for the ever-fluctuating content of the internetwebthingyplace it would become apparent that righteousness must be ever-vigilant and adaptive. If a righteous observation is made from a moving platform, the righteous must compensate for those movements, as righteousness must be unwavering.
If only there were a staff member so dedicated to ferreting out errors in a blog entry that he or she would be willing to constantly return to these pages with an eye for nothing but criticism. If there were such a staff member all could be assured that the message of righteousness could never be compromised by a grammatical or contextual misunderstanding. This hypothetical staff member would have to be oblivious to all humor and sarcasm. Such diversions may distract the ordinary reader, but this staff member would not be distracted into laughter. This staff member would have to be willing to share his or her observations without reservation, no matter how unpopular. Such diligence, of course, will be instantly recognized by the righteous, and rewarded appropriately.
Wherever would one find a person with these characteristics?
"Wherever would one find a person with these characteristics? "
Sir, in special ed?
"Sir, in special ed?"
They have computers now?
"They have computers now?"
Sir, those playskool "laptops" that teach you the alphabet...
"Sir, those playskool "laptops" that teach you the alphabet..."
Sir, if they can withstand spilled kool-aid and the relentless pounding of fat, pink thumbs they will be appropriate to the user
Apparently, Brother Scrumpdillyicious was so moved by the wisdom imparted on these pages that he has devoted a blog entry to recounting his experiences here.
It truly brings me joy to see a young person so moved by attaining a true understanding of the righteousness offered by NOISb.
my favorite line from it:
"Thankfully, being called names on an obscure blog doesn't affect my self-esteem."
yea, that's why he wrote a whole post about it. hahaha.
what a tool! he had no clue what was going on.
My sources in Miami confirmed this story. You might be happy to hear that, in fact, LeBron ended up paying a tall man of the cracker persuasion for his pants.
I posted about this today, unaware that you had already covered this story. Good work, sir.
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