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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Yannick Noah: Charmingly Naive

Yannick Noah's son, Joakim (of the Chicago Bulls), was cited over Memorial Day weekend for a few minor infractions by the Gainesville and U of Florida Police.

Noah the Younger received citations for an open alcohol container and less than 20 grams of possibly medicinal cannabis. He was also cited on campus for traffic violations.

News of the incidents were met with puzzlement by father Yannick.

"I don't understand all that fuss for just drinking a beer on the street," Yannick Noah said Tuesday at the French Open.

Certainly, living in the sheltered and Negro accepting country of France has insulated Mr. Noah from these types of things.

How could Mr. Noah understand what all the fuss is about. He was known, and admitted, to have a fondness for the self medicating effects of the possible medicinal usage of cannabis. And, in France, he was never dragged through the mud on a rope by the media for it. How could he understand what his son is being confronted with?

How could Mr. Noah understand how offensive it must be for the local police to see Joakim show up back in Redneckville, FL, driving a fancy car and his pockets lined with money that they won't make in a lifetime?

How could Mr. Noah understand that the fuss has nothing to do with carrying a beverage in a cup on the street?

How charmingly naive of Mr. Noah to believe that this is all over a beer in a cup!


RighteousReasoner said...

Brilliant as usual, sirs. Thank you for educating the dumb ones with your well reasoned, unbiased rhetoric. Those bastard white media types should be taking notes.

Sebastian said...

Uh...guys (and Sister), Jokim was raised in New York. His American mother brought J and his sister over after the marriage to Yannick broke up.

J did go to France to visit his father, but his formative years were spent in NYC.

Any college student knows to walk away from the open container when campus police come around. And to find a better way to hide your weed.

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"J did go to France to visit his father, but his formative years were spent in NYC."

Sir, not sure what your point is...

RighteousReasoner said...

"Any college student knows to walk away from the open container when campus police come around. And to find a better way to hide your weed."

Sir, do not try to find fault with Part-Cameroonian-Brother Noah. He is the victim here.

Foxxy Brown said...

Season averages: 6.6/5.6/1.1

That's what he should have been arrested for.