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Monday, February 25, 2008

The Most Important Endorsement

As the make or break day for the Democratic Party's process of picking a presidential candidate approaches; Half-Brother Barack Obama may have gotten the endorsement that will cement the deal.

Conspicuously waiting until the most important point in the campaign, the wise and gracious Louis Farrakhan has finally allowed us his insight on the race for the 'White' House.

"This young man is the hope of the entire world that America will change and be made better," Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan said Sunday, per the AP's write-up. "This young man is capturing audiences of black and brown and red and yellow*. If you look at Barack Obama's audiences and look at the effect of his words, those people are being transformed."

(* notice, no mention of that colorless illusion that we, out of necessity, refer to as 'white')

And, perhaps the greatest complimentary analogy we have ever seen did follow:

Farrakhan compared Obama to the religion's founder, Fard Muhammad, who also had a white mother and black father.

"A black man with a white mother became a savior to us," he told the crowd of mostly followers. "A black man with a white mother could turn out to be one who can lift America from her fall."

Farrakhan clearly giving a nod to the Nation of Islam Sportsblog's comment to an argumentative and confused reader in a previous thread:

"Obama comes from the womb of a "white devil"...he is as black as christmas are a sucker, but what else is new. I would think Obama would scare you..he calls for change..and the last thing your people have demonstrated is the desire to change." - argumentative and confused commenter

Sir, there is a brutality in your language which is inspiring.As for growing in a white woman's womb...we find no fault in the Negro Elder Obama finding whatever fertile field could house his seed. Certainly, as is the case with most white woman...the chance to carry the off spring of a Negro was her deepest desire.Here, Here for the birther of Obama achieving her dream.And, Here, Here for Brother Obama achieving the lifetime dream of the African Diaspora.To be crowned king of the country which destroyed a continent....priceless. - NOIS

Certainly, this speech from Minister Farrakhan is the sort of endorsement that Half-Brother Obama has anxiously been awaiting to push his campaign beyond reproach. And, more certainly, his campaign organizers are atwitter at the prospect that the media will be highly publicising this.

We do believe we hear the fat lady warming her vocal chords.


Malcom Hex said...

"We do believe we hear the fat lady warming her vocal chords."

leave hillary out of this!

one fish two fish red fish blue fish said...

Other noteable predictions by NOIS:

"....this tall Negro stallion will be around for years to come to abuse the 'devil' centers of David Stern's evil regime!"
-The Portland Trailblazers select Sam Bowie

"...master Davis has actually come to his senses and hired a coach that can lead this team to big places"
-The Oakland Raiders accounce the re-hiring of Art Shell 2006

"....these devils don't stand a chance against Patrick Ewing. He won't even break a sweat!"
-Patrick Ewing glistens in the 4th quarter in a defeat against Bird's Celtics

"...this must be delivery!"
-the NOIS devouring a DiGiorno's pizza

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

Dear Friend fish-

While amusing as your musings are...

If you had any insight into our insight...

You'd be well aware...

As favored sons of the Creator that made the sky we all gaze upon a beautiful shade of Carolina Blue...

We were in full support of one Michael Jeffrey Jordan being the top pick that year.

But, we do thank you for trying to attribute ignorance to us.

You are certainly the proper vessel to be performing that task.

Steven A's Cheese Doodles said...

""...this must be delivery!"
-the NOIS devouring a DiGiorno's pizza"

'here's your tip. now get off my lawn.' - the NOIS tips onefish after fish delivers a domino's

one fish two fish red fish blue fish said...

Mr. NOIS....

Lighten up playa. If you can't take a joke how can you possibly expect for anyone to take you seriously? You would have to be borderline retarded not to know that what I said what satrical (except for perhaps the delicious DiGiorno's pizza comment :-)).

As to your website, I agree with some things and disagree with others as do most people. It's all love though.

Very truly yourz in Jesus almighty name...


nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"Lighten up playa. If you can't take a joke how can you possibly expect for anyone to take you seriously?"

Sir, the subject of the post was no joking matter.

We expect people to take us seriously because they understand that we are the only undiluted, uncompromised source of information on the real interaction between sports, politics and society on the internet.

You may choose to belittle our mission. That is your choice.

We choose to fight righteously to:

i. Inform the world of the ill gotten gains at the expense of the used athlete (read: Negro)

ii. Get Half-Brother Obama elected into office so that the future will be changed from the plans layed out by those that would shackle us for eternity.

iii. Shed darkness unto the light of ignornace in which those of your ilk so gloriously bask.

Praise the righteous truth as it sorts out your lies and split tongued offerings!

Al_Sharpton's_Banana_Hammock said...

"Praise the righteous truth as it sorts out your lies and split tongued offerings!"

ahhhhhh. goood to have you back!

one fish two fish red fish blue fish said...

Oh Jesus Mary and Joseph...Mr. NOIS....

ok, i'll bite.

For the record, I am in full support of Mr. Obama and he/we will be victorious come November.

However there is this thing that came along many many years ago. It's one of those phenomenons that can define a society. It's called humor! And if you associate humor with ignorance, yes I agree there can be a fine line.

Perhaps my attempt didn't exactly tickle your fancy but it certainly wasn't in anyway a means to be disrespectful.

As I said, there are some things that I agree with and some things I don't. You can call me a liar and a split tongued offerer all you'd like. It won't bother me.

I'll continue to pray for you and read this insightful blog.



Dave the Wave said...

how about putting up that pic of Obama dressed like Bin Laden!

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"As I said, there are some things that I agree with and some things I don't."

Sir, again, your split tongue!

We demand full disclosure.

If there are things you disagree with, admit those specific things. So that you may be admonished for your ignorance.

We are stern teachers.

one fish two fish red fish blue fish said...

"If there are things you disagree with, admit those specific things."

I will do so from now on....



DCThrowback said...

"Certainly, this speech from Minister Farrakhan is the sort of endorsement that Half-Brother Obama has anxiously been awaiting to push his campaign beyond reproach. And, more certainly, his campaign organizers are atwitter at the prospect that the media will be highly publicising this."

Just great writing. Props to you for capturing the essence (and challenge) of what a Farrakhan endorsement means for young Barack and his campaign team. Some swords are double sided!

Dave the Wave said...

"Just great writing."

jesus, you must normally read Dick and Jane books if you think this nonsense is great writing!

Sebastian said...

Back to the point. The nice thing about Louie's endorsement is that even though Rush and the Hariy Nut Sacks (Ann Coulter included) are going apeshit over it, the people who care weren't going to vote for Barry OB anyway. He's got no sway with Independents or new voters.

Say it...say it...President Barry...President Barry....

RighteousReasoner said...

Obama's spokesperson:

"Sen. Obama has been clear in his objections to Minister Farrakhan's past pronouncements and has not solicited the minister's support."

Clearly these words are just to placate the Caucasiod masses swarming to vote for Mr. Obama. In fact, it is more than likely that Barack himself never uttered these words and they are merely those of his devil spokesperson, who, being a creation of the evil scientist Yakub, is, by defaut, wholly inept.

lgf said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lgf said...

Sirs! It is obvious!

Minister Farrakhan is a double agent attempting to engage in Yakub-like sabotage! For shame, Mr. Farrakhan, for shame.

andy p. said...

You people are bigoted freaks! You are feeding right into the hands of the lizard people!

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"Sen. Obama has been clear in his objections to Minister Farrakhan's past pronouncements and has not solicited the minister's support.""

Sir, we fail to see your point.

It would be in poor taste for Half-Brother Obama to come out and say he solicitied the Minister's support. It would make him appear less independent and less confident.

Certainly, there was no announcement that Half-Brother Obama rejected the support, was there?


RighteousReasoner said...

Editor, the point was not one made by me, but rather from the ABC article you cited. I am in complete agreement with you that "Reverend Doctor Barack Savior of the World and the Negros and Righteous Destroyer of crackers Even Though He is Half-cracker Himself Obama" does in fact solicit the Minister's support. Please read my post stating that it was his devil spokesperson behind this.

Sadly, Mr. Obama himself has said:

"I decry racism and anti-Semitism in every form and strongly condemn the anti-Semitic statements made by Minister Farrakhan," Obama said in the statement. "I assume that Trumpet Magazine made its own decision to honor Farrakhan based on his efforts to rehabilitate ex-offenders, but it is not a decision with which I agree."


It is unfortunate that the white media have pressured him into saying such a statement.

NOI rules!!1 said...

"Certainly, there was no announcement that Half-Brother Obama rejected the support, was there?



nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"It is unfortunate that the white media have pressured him into saying such a statement."

Sir, if you watched the most recent debate, you would have been informed that Half-Brother Obama initially did not reject the Minister's kind words.

His initial response to the endorsement was a 'denouncement'. Not a rejection.

Only after pressure from HRC did he say that he would concede the point and reject the endorsement.

Let's keep the fact straight and be honest.

And yes, it was white pressure which did lead to the eventual rejection of the endorsement.

To be clear.

MMurr said...

One would think that Senators Obama and Clinton would have larger concerns than arguing over the meanings of "denounce" and "reject." Senator Obama clearly saw the unnecessary nature of the semantics, and conceded the point in order to move on to more important topics.