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Friday, September 7, 2007

Rick Ankiel: Let's Give the Guy a Break

The investigation into that HGH shop in Florida has turned up yet another athlete that has been documented as receiving HGH.

St. Louis Cardinal Rick Ankiel.

Ankiel, as most baseball fans know, was a promising pitcher who ran into a Knobloch like mental block and couldn't stop from throwing pitches into the backstop.

He gained a reprieve in the minors due to his hitting ability and is having some success after being called up.

It's a great story. And seemed to be on the way to a happy ending.

But, the connection to PED's certainly will tarnish Ankiels feel good story.

"This is the first I've heard of this," Cardinals general manager Walt Jocketty told the Daily News. "If it's true, obviously it would be very tragic, along with everything else we've had happen to us this year."

We couldn't agree more.

This would be a tragedy. Clearly, a player connected to HGH or PED's is tragic. Clearly, such an event would be categorized equally with another player on the team dying in a car wreck.

Victims. All are victims.

But, further examination shows that it might not be all that horrible an occurrence for either Ankiel or the Cards.

Major League Baseball doesn't test for HGH, and the sport didn't ban human growth hormone until 2005. But a player who possessed it or used it after it was banned can be suspended for 50 games. Authorities have not accused Ankiel of any wrongdoing, the newspaper said. According to the Signature records the News cited, he stopped receiving HGH just before baseball banned it in 2005.

Obviously, if Ankiel was using HGH before it was banned by baseball, then we shouldn't expect MLB to take action, right? And certainly, why would law enforcement accuse a pro athlete who surreptitiously comes into possession of a controlled substance of wrong doing?

The Daily News said Major League Baseball officials declined to comment, saying they would "look into" the allegations but weren't sure if any action could be taken.


The feel good story of Ankiel looks like it will continue, although with just a shred of skepticism. But, it doesn't seem like this will - and, since he did possess it before it was banned, shouldn't - have an adverse effect on Ankiel's career or the public's perception of his accomplishments.

It doesn't seem to be bothering Ankiel, as the former HGH possessor smacked 2 homers yesterday.

In related news:

Barry Bonds, accused of using PED's before they were tested for and officially banned by MLB, continues to be the recipient of negative press, demands for asterisks next to his records, boos and taunts from opposing fans and investigations categorizing his possible usage of said substances as criminal.

Yes indeed.

One standard applied to all players.

Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

And MLB was wondering why Negroes have lost interest in the game not too long ago, weren't they?

Can't imagine why.


lgf said...


Sweet. Poetic. Justice.

Mike said...

Perhaps this has to do with Ankiel's fervent support in the highest pantheons of Blogfrica.

The Lord Humongous said...

I can't help you with the boos and taunts from opposing fans--I reserve the right to yell "hey batter" at Bonds. Otherwise, yeah, this is some bullshit. Selig's exoneration of Giambi was worse though.

lgf said...

Yell what you want at Bonds. You are a fan, and within reason, it is part of the game.

To clarify my comment was directed to the media (you know who you are!) I will now relish in the attempts of the media to minimize, evade, and justify their non-reaction to this and complete over-reaction and vilification of Bonds.

It solidifies what we already knew. It was, and always has been, a witch hunt.

Now I, as a Bonds fan, get my justice.

censored said...

your theory holds up only if from this point on Ankiel receives positive feedback from the media and fans. This is a story in its early stages and it is yet to be seen whether the cheater Ankiel will be treated like the cheater Bonds.
Hurry quick and fix your spelling of KNOBLAUCH not idiot.

To clarify my comment was directed to the media (you know who you are!) I will now relish in the attempts of the media to minimize, evade, and justify their non-reaction to this and complete over-reaction and vilification of Bonds.

THIS IS A TOP STORY ON EVERY MAJOR SPORTS MEDIA OUTLET...where is the media evading the story? Again another argument without fact and based solely on a stupid opinion....Show any cases where the media is treating this with a positive spin. The Cardinals organizational comments are very much similar to the Giants organizational comments about cheater Bonds. Why exactly do you want it to be okay that Bonds cheated his way into the record book? Is this a case of one moral lowlife defending another?

lgf said...

"where is the media evading the story? Again another argument without fact and based solely on a stupid opinion....Show any cases where the media is treating this with a positive spin.

There are 2 stories on about the case. The titles are as follows: "Ankiel/HGH story isn't 'tragic'" and "Faith in Ankiel"

Sir, your counter?

They clearly had enough time to put out more than one story. Both coincidentally came out pro-Ankiel.

"Why exactly do you want it to be okay that Bonds cheated his way into the record book? Is this a case of one moral lowlife defending another?"

His treatment was unfair. The stories were fabricated. The commissioner washed his hands of a situation he created and used Bonds as his scape goat. Morals? What morals?

lgf said...

OMG! Troy Glaus got busted too!

lgf said...


I see that there are three stories regarding Ankiel; the third one I missed was "Peter Gammons: Benefit of doubt"

Still waiting on that counter...

ColonelStinkmeaner said...

"Hurry quick and fix your spelling of KNOBLAUCH not idiot."

Spelling some dumbass white dudes name wrong does not an idiot make. White people have some dumbass names that spell nothing like they sound and one cannot be expected to to know how to spell them when white folks can't even pronounce their own names properly. I'm talking to you COACH K!!!!!!

Chris said...

dude, who is that in the pic?

lgf said...

"dude, who is that in the pic?"

Don't ask.

Just drool.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

censored says:

> The Cardinals organizational comments are very much similar to the Giants organizational comments about cheater Bonds.



"This is the first I've heard of this," Cardinals general manager Walt Jocketty told the Daily News. "If it's true, obviously it would be very tragic, along with everything else we've had happen to us this year, that these unfounded accusations are hurled against a stand guy like Ankiel is disappointing. If he did use HGH, I am sure he had a sound medical reason. In fact, we do believe that during the period in question Rick suffered from acute dwarfism."


"We have suspected that Barry has been cheating for a number of years now and we hope to uncover some proof before he 'breaks' the record," said Giants general manager Brian Sabean. "If we could just dig up some circumstantial evidence or hearsay, I would ship that nigger out of here faster than you can say "jiggie jiggie boo" three times."

lgf said...

Heres a interesting take from ESPN on the entire fiasco regarding how the Ankiel allegations will be handled by the press. Entitled 'Exposing our dirty double standards'.

censored, this part of the article is for you:

"The defenses, the rationalizations, the leave-this-guy-alone pleas on behalf of Ankiel came rolling in Friday as Americans tried their best to wish away the nasty HGH bomb that had just been dropped on their favorite sporting fairy tale."

..."So why would we root for him over Barry? Because America made up its mind a long time ago -- long before "Game of Shadows" -- that it didn't like Barry. That simple."

Sebastian said...

As a Cubs fan, anything to mitigate this season's death spiral would considered to be a be a good thing. But that's a little too selfish.

I am almost to the point of not caring how MLB got themselves into this mess, and for the players who looked for shortcuts; whether well-intentioned or not, legal (or legal at the time) or illegal. I'm tired of the news of who did what coming out in random droplets, perfect for media consumption; but impractical as far as getting the game and the public past the Sterioid Era.

Baseball should take a page from Mandela, and use an entire offseason for "Truth and Reconciliation". Anyone who's done anything would have that time to admit publicly everything they've done. Anything they knew was banned by baseball (then or now), on the line, or even as innocent as a Sudafed tab. Fess up during "Truth and Reconciliation" and there's no penalty. After the period has passed, if a player dopes or has doped in the past, they're out.

The guys who actually did steroids, or entered into illegal enterprises to obtain or distribute them would still be in trouble.

Players get the chance to move on. Baseball gets the opportunity to clear the rhetorical decks and allows their substance abuse policy to exist in a less cynical environment.

The media gets their orgy of ink and camera time.

But it would help baseball and the rest of us go on with our lives and the game without worrying about who's dirty or not.

Nathan said...

This Ankiel story totally exposes a double standard regarding treatment of minorities in the media.

Much like missing white kids get more media than missing black kids, cheating white boys get treated better than cheating black boys.

What I want to know is, exactly what did Leonard Little do to get around this exposure? Perhaps other minorities can figure out how he got away with involuntary manslaughter (while Vick can't even own a dog fighting ring) and barely received scorn.

Is there some kind of fruitbasket or free dinner coupons one can use to pay off the media? Or does it all hinge on how famous you are?

Naturally, 'cause I'm white, this stuff is really very academic to me .

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"I reserve the right to yell "hey batter" at Bonds."

Sir, perhaps we should have been more clear...we should have stated that the booing was in reference to the media initiated hatred about the connection to PED's...that sort of booing...and we certainly believe opposing fans have the right....we'll see if Ankiel gets some heat.....

just kidding, we know he won't.

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"your theory holds up only if from this point on Ankiel receives positive feedback from the media and fans. "

Sir, as soon as the news on Bonds broke, he was vilified!

So, really now, the theory held up as soon as the story broke and the first follow up story didn't request Ankiel's head on a platter.

Thanks for your input tho.

Been awhile since the lower IQ's have been commenting.

We thought you locked yourself in your car or something.

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"Why exactly do you want it to be okay that Bonds cheated his way into the record book? "

Sir, bonds cheating his way in the record book?

If a tree falls in the woods...and it wasn't banned....did the tree break any rules?

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"What I want to know is, exactly what did Leonard Little do to get around this exposure?"

Sir, we agree.

You are a white guy.

And, like any white guy when it comes to race issues. You spend your time focusing and promoting the rare anomoly rather than focusing and trying to figure out the norm or the rule.

Distraction is the white guys best defense.

rwmonty said...

The Ankiel/Bonds hypocrisy is pretty evident, but what say you of Mark McGuire? McGuire, having never been found guilty of using a banned substance while playing baseball, gets lambasted pretty severely in the media these days.

larry said...

I don't think the Bonds Ankiel comparison is the proper one to look at, a better one would be McGuire. Mac was beloved for a long time until somehow the PED issue found traction (still not too sure what the big deal is). After the congress fiasco, Mac got beat up in the media just as bad as Bonds at the time. The big difference now is that Mac practically disappeared. I do think that if he had stayed in baseball and made a run at Aaron's record he would have gotten similar treatment. Not to say race isn't an issue in MLB (it so clearly is) to determine if that Bonds' issue, a better 'parallel case' than Ankiel is needed.

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"Not to say race isn't an issue in MLB (it so clearly is) to determine if that Bonds' issue, a better 'parallel case' than Ankiel is needed. "

Sir, typical.

A similar situation arises. It is current and relevent.

Yet it is labeled as NOT enough to accurately compare...

Ok, fair enough.

We'll wait til someone is at the cusp of breaking Bonds home run record and then gets nailed for possessing PED's.

Then we'll compare, ok?

Sound good?

Sound fair?

Effectively mitigate and neutralize any talk of racism for ya?


Sportsbruh said...

Why are you giving this white boy a pass?

After the media BURIED Barry Bonds.

Dude, your THINKING is getting more and more tainted. Jemel Hill knocked this out the ballpark.

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"Dude, your THINKING is getting more and more tainted. Jemel Hill knocked this out the ballpark. "


If you think we gave Ankiel a pass, we URGE you to reread the post.

And if you think Jemele knocked ANYTHING out of the ballpark...well...then it ain't OUR thinking that's become tainted.

Seriously, reread.

That wasn't any pass for Ankiel.