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Thursday, June 19, 2008

UNC: We May Never Know

Great news for Tarheel fans.

Lawson, Green and Ellington are all coming back to Chapel Hill. That, coupled with the return of Tyler Hansbrough allows the Heels to be the prohibitive favorites next season.

It also allows the rest of us to wonder:

How good is Tyler Hansbrough. Really.

We were looking forward to the departures of Lawson, Green and Ellington. Not because we wish ill will toward the Heels. But, we wanted Hansbrough to have the opportunity to prove to the world that he is one of the greatest collegiate players of all time.

Unfortunately, now he has so much returning support, that we won't really know if all the awards and praise are truly his.

Last season, Hansbrough was the Heels standout. The heart and soul of a talented team. But, certainly the leader.

We had hoped that Hansbrough would be given the opportunity to take his leadership ability and his relentless effort to the next level. To be put in a position in which he was the only option for success. To have the chance to prove once and for all that if he goes down as the greatest Heel of all time...that it is he, and not those other players, that deserve immortality.

Unfortunately, if he has a huge season and wins a title; we will be left forever to wonder:

Is Hansbrough that great, or is it those 5 or 6 athletic Negroes that make him seem so good.

1 comment:

Foxxy Brown said...

"Not because we wish ill will toward the Heels."

yes. yes we do, sir. yes we do.

"Is Hansbrough that great, or is it those 5 or 6 athletic Negroes that make him seem so good."

no. no he's not sir. no he's not. i saw him play live twice in March. no. he's. not.