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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vindication: A Truly Righteous Mandate

Since the righteous, holy and necessary initiation of this blog, we have received countless emails of abuse. Emails demanding that we not point out the racial injustice inherent in sports. Emails subversively and unintelligently pretending that we were the source of racism in sports. Emails haplessly and helplessly constructed in impotent attempts to refute our truths.

Well, kind readers and voracious sports fans...this evening fully establishes the necessity,usefulness and secure future of the movement that established this blog.

This evening also is vindication of, and mandate for, the truths we have unveiled and revealed.

Today, with the election of President Barack Obama, the states of this Union almost unanimously (we can't be bothered to count those backward Red states south of the Mason Dixon) united in a simultaneous and spontaneous pronouncement that:

America believes race is the most pressing issue in our lives.

The election of a Negro Potentate is confirmation from and by the citizens of this Nation that they demand that racial issues be the center of all that we discuss and all that we do. That ending racism and elevating the status of each and every Negro victim of the African Diaspora is the issue held most dear to every voting American in this Nation.

You want proof? Ask any Negro why they voted for Obama. Next, assume that anyone who didn't vote for Obama did not vote for him because he is Negro. There. There is your proof that race is the center point of every vote. That this was not so much a presidential election, but rather a referendum on race.

Additionally, the free voting populace of this Nation affirmed their approval of the Righteous moral mentor of the newly coronated Potentate, the good Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

The Nation voted overwhelming in support of Wright's 20 years of influence over the thought and moral compass of the Potentate. Most sensible political analysts would continue this to mean that the Nation has justly voiced their collective approval for Wright's teachings. That the Nation hopes to move collectively along the moral and spiritual path set by Wright.

The referendum on race confirmed that not only do Negroes hate rich white people, but that most rich white people hate rich white people as well.

Further agreed upon through the voting process was that that Nation fully supports reparations. The potentate calls it 'spreading the wealth', redistribution of wealth and (years ago) he called it reparative economics. It's reparations. And it's long overdue.

To quote the sister who became famous on YouTube after an Obama rally, 'If I have trouble putting gas in my car or paying my mortgage, He is going to help me.'

From your mouth to Allah's ears, Sister.

Finally, we at NOIS believe this election was a mandate.

A mandate for NOIS. A confirmation that the Nation supports Negro leadership, the views of Rev. Wright and reparations. A mandate cast through the power of vote. Mostly through the power of white voters. Voters who, when they pulled that lever to admit that the needed a Negro leader, vindicated every word ever written on NOIS.

Therefore, good readers, the real winner of the 2008 Presidential Election is.............NOIS.

This election was about NOIS from the first debate during the primaries right up to the NOIS surrounding McCain's concession speech.

Now, if the Titans would just give the team back to Vince Young, we'd be on our way to a better, more Negro America.


Paul Mitchell said...

Do not bad mouth us in the south, Mississippi State has Sylvester Croom. My alma mater, by the way, and I have had to do nothing but defend him to my fellow alumni. Croom paved the way for the Obamessiah.

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"Do not bad mouth us in the south, Mississippi State has Sylvester Croom. My alma mater, by the way, and I have had to do nothing but defend him to my fellow alumni. Croom paved the way for the Obamessiah."


Sure, they give the only Negro head coach in the SEC one of the worst academic and athletic schools in the conference. And, it's in that bastion of 19th Century sensibilities, Mississippi.

Paul Mitchell said...

It is not possible to badmouth the academics at State, yes, you can badmouth athletics, but Croom is the man. Why do you put him down?

Dave the Wave said...

now you have NO excuses. NONE.

every problem of black peoples is because of racism, but a racist America just elected a black president?

now YOU ARE THE MAN. you are holding yourself down.

Dave the Wave said...

oh, and 4 years ago, when Kerry won 48-49% of the vote, Democrats said that meant it was close and almost half the country didn't agree with therefore, it was NO mandate.

Now, the Repubs win 47-48% of the vote, but the election is a MANDATE for change?

I can't wait til Obama takes a bullet and the real 'culture change' begins.

You people make up just 12% of the population, and you live in the same neighborhoods.

How long you think it will take?

Paul Mitchell said...

I pray that Dave returns to the moron cave from which he crawled.

Black Jewsus said...

Vince Young is a disgrace to good Negrobacks such as Michael Vick, Jason Campbell, Donovan McNabb and Daunte Culpepper.

DCThrowback said...

It's sad to see someone like Dave continually miss the joke. Actually, let me's hilarious.

This quote: "Additionally, the free voting populace of this Nation affirmed their approval of the Righteous moral mentor of the newly coronated Potentate, the good Rev. Jeremiah Wright."

Just gold. Moral mentor? Coronated Potentate? I love it. NOIS - keep bringing it.

Five Pound Bag said...

Will the potentate switch our national clock to CPT? Because I could use the rest.

Dave the Wave said...

"I pray that Dave returns to the moron cave from which he crawled."

and i pray that obama returns to the village of his father.

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"It is not possible to badmouth the academics at State"


You are correct.

In theory, it is rhetorical, isn't it?

Paul Mitchell said...

NOIS, touche'. The meaning of my statement was that Mississippi State University produces some of the finest engineers, programmers, and modelers that may be found on this planet. Maybe they are not MIT, but damn close. The CAVE technology invented and developed at State is incredible. You certainly can talk down the academics, you would just be wrong.

The campus however, is in an area that makes it impossible to attract Blue Chip athletes. Croom turned the thugs out and has built that program back from Sherrill's debacle and history of cheating. I do not like losing, but I can live with it because of the availability of talent for State. We are who we are and who we are is a team that averages 4.1 wins a season. If Jerious Norwood would have played at any other college in the SEC, including Vandy, he would have won the Heisman. Instead, he quietly gained 1100 yards in his senior year at State. That is akin to rushing for 65,000 yards in a season at 1983 Nebraska. The math doesn't lie.

And, just so you know, Mississippi has the highest ratio of black elected officials in the country. Like badmouthing the academics at State, you can say that Mississippi is the most racist state in the country, but you would be wrong. That title goes to New York. That melting pot is suspiciously short of minorities in government. Cali, too.

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"And, just so you know, Mississippi has the highest ratio of black elected officials in the country. Like badmouthing the academics at State, you can say that Mississippi is the most racist state in the country, but you would be wrong."

Sir, your numbers present a skewered picture of tolerance.

You conveniently don't mention that (% wise), MS has the highest number of Negro voters in the Nation.

So, certainly they would have more Negro elected officials.

The notion that the Negro elected officials are the result of an enlightened, tolerent and non-racist white electorate is purely fabrication on your part.


Paul Mitchell said...

So are we to turn the blackfolk out because there are more blackfolk here? That is at best contrarian ideology and at worse the same type of racism. Since ours is a free country, why do you suppose that black folks choose to live here or is that something that is forced upon them?

I'm missing your very weak point, help me out.

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

" Maybe they are not MIT, but damn close."


As is the case with any large, land grant university; MSU has a few programs that are world class. No doubt.

Overall, however, your 'damn close' to MIT categorization falls well short.

For, overall, USNEWS (one of the preeminent college ratings sources) rates your beloved MSU to be a Tier 3 univerisity.

That is damned far from MIT.

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"I'm missing your very weak point, help me out."

SIr, those 'black folk' you so callously call the Negroes...have been there since they were kidnapped centuries ago.

They have been denied education, jobs and futures. If they had a way to get out of your god forsaken land of racist imprisonment, they certainly would have!

Steven A's Cheese Doodles said...

"So are we to turn the blackfolk out because there are more blackfolk here? "

the point is pretty clear.

if you have more blacks voting, you will have more blacks elected.

you ain't real bright, is ya?

Steven A's Cheese Doodles said...

shoot, MSU isn't even in the top 100 public universities on any list!

Paul Mitchell said...

Guess I ain't Steven A. I do fail to see the point. I guess that the Corps of Engineers shall just have to do away with any of the waterway mapping that is done by those pesky MSU engineers. Maybe they can drag some out of uSCCC or tOSU.

Dang, I guess that I opened that can of stupidity worms.

Steven A's Cheese Doodles said...

Dang, I guess that I opened that can of stupidity worms."

and you crawled out.

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...


Please let's not let this devolve.

We can agree.

MSU is a lousy school, with an above average engineering program.

Two Dogs, please take your emotional attachment to MSU out of this.

The numbers don't lie.

MSU stinks.

Except for it's special watter mapping section.

Paul Mitchell said...

Right, Steven A.

Paul Mitchell said...

Invented the CAVE technology, as well. Your 3-d gaming would still be Techmo Bowl without State.

I am certainly not saying that MSU is the greatest thing since the BCS, (fuck the BCS, by the way) I am however saying that anyone to run their mouth about Mississippi has never experienced what we are now. And it is certainly not an Oliver Stone movie here. We certainly didn't ambush an immigrant and shoot him 59 times in a doorway. We do not lead the nation in murders like those other enlightened racially permissive places like Detroit, Chicago, or DC. Those things are happening NOW there.

Our shit was well in the past. Yes, racism happened in Mississippi and in other states that had slavery, too. Like Delaware where Joe Biden is from. Don't call Mississippi out without having the righteous ground to stand on. Or we will certainly bow up and keep our superior athletes from playing in your NFL, which we could not care less about, you know since the Saints are the closest team to us.

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

" Yes, racism happened in Mississippi "

Sir, 'happened'?


YOu are funny as can be.

Malcom Hex said...

two dogs. i drove thru Miss. last week. The place is a backwater hell hole. You have spent your life there and apparently have seen it change from a complete hole in time and space to just a backwater dump, and are impressed.

the rest of the world is not.

travel. get a model of comparison. go back to Miss. Pack your bags. Run away.

Paul Mitchell said...

That did read "Acts of" racism.

Malcolm, yeah I have never been anywhere. Wanna compare passports?

Big Man said...

Y'all are too funny.

Big Man said...

Black people stayed in Miss. because they bought land there.

Pretty simple.

That doesn't make Mississippi a great place for black people, just makes it a convienent place to live. I'm from Louisiana, and I would never assume that the large black population in certain parts of this state means this is the best place for black people to live.

That's some piss poor logic right there.

RighteousReasoner said...

Racist judges hand Calzaghe the win. We've heard this story before.

For shame, honkies. For shame.

Unknown said...

The Titans are undefeated with the "inferior" Kerry Collins under center. They currently are 9-0 in case you didn't know...

NOIS, can you please clarify why it is so important to you that he be replaced by a weak minded and suicidal Vince Young?? Other than your ever-present racial bias, of course...

Stupid comments like that (regarding the Titans) destroy your credibility and take meaning away from your more relevant messages on this blog.

I voted for Obama. Not blindly because he is black, like I suspect many black voters did... but because I am a New Englander who almost always votes democrat. I share many of Pres. elect Obama's progressive views.

All I'm saying is that there is no reason to mess with a good thing in Tennessee. They are undefeated and playing very well behind their great defense and the veteran leadership of Kerry Collins.

Understand that there is a reason that Titan fans booed Vince Young. His mental instability and inconsistency can only interfere with what the team is trying to accomplish this season. That is a fact.

RighteousReasoner said...


Your racism is showing. Don't try to hide it behind thinly veiled comments alleging your support to The Negro Emperor. We're not that stupid.

Paul Mitchell said...

Don't you mean presumed Negro Emperor?

RighteousReasoner said...

That's Half-Negro, Half-Devil, Half-Unrighteous, Half-Pasty, Half-Melanin Rich, Somewhat-More-Than-Half-Righteous-Because-His-Wife-is-a-Negress Emperor President Elect to you, Sir.

Paul Mitchell said...

If we are going to delve into the half-Negro realm, I prefer the term "Halfrican-American." It IS all inclusive.

He scares me, he never played football before. He is a basketball guy.

Unknown said...

i, for one, am proud that this country has elected a man with Arab blood..Obama actually has more 'Arab' blood than 'African' (and more white than both. but i digress.)

It is an exciting time for Arabs in America!

Big Man said...


So black voters vote blindly for black people and you vote blindly for democracts?


Here's the thing, black people have refused to vote for a black person and instead supported a white person in races in Georgia and Maryland?

You've never voted for a Republican.

Does that make black people less racist or more racist than you?

Are we better critical thinkers?

Unknown said...

Big Man-

I was waiting for someone to call me out on that... but that is why if you notice I did specify that I "almost always" vote democrat. So I can attest that I have not voted blindly.

Most readers on this board, especially pro-NOIS folks, lump me into the rabid racist category along with a slew of ignorant people who make very hurtful and racist comments in bad taste. I, however, only logically point out here and there that NOIS is quite possibly the most biased blogger I have ever seen. The Titans comment is the only reason I made my first post here in some time... to point out how racially biased NOIS is/can be.

I do not consider myself racist. And no, I'm not insinuating this merely because I voted for Obama. I am much less pro-White, White Power, etc. than NOIS is with his Black Power commentaries. He talks as if the world would be a better place without the "White Devil".

Whether NOIS himself is racist or not is a moot point. But he forces the race issue with everything, making every topic a racial one, and ties race into nearly any and every event currently going on in the world and I hate when people do that, anybody... black, white, asian, etc.

It is far from a perfect world, but right now it just so happens that the Tennessee Titans are a perfect 9-0. With a *gasp* white QB at the helm!! NOIS, why don't you just let the white devil Jeff Fisher manage his club the way he sees fit... because he is obviously doing something right.

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"NOIS, can you please clarify why it is so important to you that he be replaced by a weak minded and suicidal Vince Young?? Other than your ever-present racial bias, of course..."

Sir, first, the suicidal Vince Young is main stream media machination formulated to play a role in denying him his rightful position as Field General for an undefeated team.

The ever-present racial bias of which you speak is 'ours' only in the context that we are the recipients of the bias. We won't engage you in a silly game of semantics. You are a racist. Negroes are the recipients of your hate. Crystal clear to all.

'Stupid comments like that (regarding the Titans) destroy your credibility and take meaning away from your more relevant messages on this blog."

Sir, if pointing out injustice, hatred, bigotry and prejudice is 'stupid' and destroys our credibility...then clearly you don't get anything at all from the 'more relevant messages' on OUR blog.

"I voted for Obama. Not blindly because he is black, like I suspect many black voters did... but because I am a New Englander who almost always votes democrat. I share many of Pres. elect Obama's progressive views. "

So, somehow the fact that you voted for him because you are a New Englander who always votes democratic makes you less a blind sheep than someone who voted for Obama simply because he is Negro? Really? That is your contention?

We are glad you support Socialism and reparative economics, at least you admit that white America owes the rest of the country something.

"Understand that there is a reason that Titan fans booed Vince Young."

Sir, understood.

It's freakin' Tennessee. A Confederate state. We get why the fans booed Young.

We get it.

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"It is an exciting time for Arabs in America!"

Sir, all praises sung to Allah.

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"He talks as if the world would be a better place without the "White Devil"."

Sir, you act as if 65 Million Americans didn't just substantiate their full support of that sentiment.

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"But he forces the race issue with everything"

Sir, we didn't 'force' the race issue.

Some white guys with chains and ships did that.

We are just trying to come to terms with it.

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"NOIS, why don't you just let the white devil Jeff Fisher manage his club the way he sees fit... because he is obviously doing something right."

Sir, on Nov 4th the Nation stood up collectively and clearly made a point:

We are tired of white management.

You can take your white supremist attitude elsewhere.

You and your ilk have been voted out of office!

Just like Jeff Fisher.

Paul Mitchell said...

I am not sure that I am in the "Republican is a race" camp, but the Titans are doing something right this year. And if history is any indicator, a Negro quarterback did not win the Super Bowl for them the last time, can another Negro quarterback do it this time?

Yes, I place the Titans loss in the Super Bowl XXXIV, entirely upon the Mississippi shoulders of Steve McNair, well, and the fact that another Negro, Alan Page, was present at the coin toss. Just saying.

nation_of_islam_sportsblog said...

"And if history is any indicator, a Negro quarterback did not win the Super Bowl for them the last time, can another Negro quarterback do it this time? "

Sir, and if history is an indicator, Jeff Fisher did not coach them to a Super Bowl win last time, an he do it this time?

Let's not bother to find out.

Let's get a Negro in there and WIN this!

Paul Mitchell said...

I hear that Ty Willingham is available. And if some Miss State fans have their way, Da Croom will be soon, too.

Unknown said...

"He talks as if the world would be a better place without the "White Devil"."

Sir, you act as if 65 Million Americans didn't just substantiate their full support of that sentiment.


You may have had a point about Titans fans being a bunch of hicks but how the hell does the majority of the country (myself included) voting for a black man mean that those same 65 million Americans think the world would be a better place without white people?!?!?

Talk about a bold statement. I suppose the development of Western Civilization is such an awful thing in your eyes... but please don't act as if everyone voting for Obama thinks the world would be a better place without white people. Absurd.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

But he forces the race issue with everything

"Sir, we didn't 'force' the race issue.

Some white guys with chains and ships did that.

We are just trying to come to terms with it."


Stop being the angry black man who blames whitey for everything and try realizing that by "coming to terms" with those "chains and ships" from years past, you currently live in the greatest nation in the world.

You enjoy a security and quality of life that almost none of the "lucky" decendents of non-chained/shipped Negro ancestors could even dream of.

Had your ancestors not been so unlucky, you would have the privilege of living in the third-world conditions that a majority of Africans currently endure. Chances are this blog would not even exist!!

Ironically, most of your brethren living in your African motherland would do ANYTHING to be living in the United States. So stop with the whining and culture of victimization, consider yourself lucky that your ancestors paid the price that YOU could enjoy a much higher quality of life.

...Or, should I say, have a much better CHANCE at a better quality of life. After all, peoples of all backgrounds and cultures have come to this country for opportunity.

Many of these same immigrants did so in spite of facing bigotry and prejudices of the times. But America is the land of opportunity and if they worked hard enough, they provided a better life for their children and future generations. I am proud to say my grandparents are prime examples of this.

Regardless of race or family history, maybe we should be celebrating the giant strides America has made in truly making this country a home for all cultures and peoples... rather than constantly casting things in a racial light, being angry and harping on negative issues of the past.

Malcom Hex said...

"harping on negative issues of the past"

Quit harping then, whitey.

Unknown said...

"Quit harping then, whitey"


I figured that would be the only kind of response I got. Angry black people hate accountability more than any other race that coexists in this country.

And they crucify those among themselves who preach accountability (ie Bill Cosby, Jason Whitlock). Probably because they speaks the truth, much like I did in the previous post.

Big Man said...


This is a satire site. If you take everything on this site seriously, you are really missing the point.

Finally, I'm tired of white people telling me to stop talking about race. Why the eff does it bother y'all so much what's coming out of my mouth?

And, if white people want to stop talking about race, why are so many of them talking about whether Obama is really black?

Paul Mitchell said...

Big Man, do you really want to claim the Obamessiah as Black? I think that black folks might want to pawn him off to his white half. This next four years is going to make Jimmy Carter's tenure look like Disneyland. Not to mention the fact that Obama has had zero dealings at all with the black community except for the three years working on the South Side as an elitist little puffball coming to the rescue of the field Negroes. Gotta give that wife the 30k ring you know, you don't make that kinda dust doing those community organizing gigs.

The only thing electing Obama accomplished is that it will be a long damn time before another black person gets a chance like he has gotten. When the economy continues its southerly swing because of his party's politics over the last ten years, dumbasses will blame it on the black dude. Even though he never associated with black folks until he was grown and saw his father only once after he turned two years old.

Seriously, I can only think of 35 million more qualified black people to be president. Sylvester Croom comes immediately to mind. Even Emmit Smiff is more qualified and smarter.